Australian Clinical Trials Education Centre (A-CTEC)

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Australian Clinical Trials Education Centre (A-CTEC), formerly known as V-CTEC, is a not for profit, member-based education platform, hosting a suite of evidence-based, interactive clinical trials education opportunities suitable for a range of learning needs.
The platform is led by Monash Partners Academic Health Science Centre, Melbourne Academic Centre for Health and Western Alliance Academic Health Science Centre, and supported by the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Parkville Cancer Clinical Trials Unit, Melbourne Children’s Trials Centre and Alfred Health.

A-CTEC is available to all staff involved in research in health service and academic settings, regardless of role or site. The audience includes:

  • study coordinators
  • research nurses and clinical trial assistants
  • investigators
  • clinical trial pharmacists
  • HREC and governance officers
  • clinical and non-clinical research staff
  • general staff in departments that interact with clinical trials
  • employees involved in clinical trials from hospitals, community health settings, universities, and any location where clinical trial research is undertaken.
A-CTEC provides:
  • Education and training that caters to the various levels of experience and competency of the clinical trials workforce that is relevant to the needs of different settings that undertake clinical trials across all locations and organisations.
  • Courses which are interactive, practical, multi-modal and evidence based.
  • Networking opportunities for the clinical trials workforce to share learnings and engage in the co-design of A-CTEC activities.
  • A forum where duplication is reduced by working collaboratively to share resources and expertise.
  • Reporting for reaccreditation.

The Challenge

Clinical trials in South Australia are active and ongoing, with a variety of studies investigating an array of clinical interventions. Nationally, there is a push for increased investment in clinical trials, with the goal of improving healthcare outcomes for all Australians. This brings with it a need to build the capacity and capability of the clinical trials workforce in Australia. A-CTEC aims to address this challenge by providing easy access to world-class education and training opportunities for individuals involved in clinical trials.

The Impact

A-CTEC's vision is to build the capacity and capability of the clinical trials workforce through easy access to world-class education and training opportunities, at no cost to the end user. A research rich health system has been demonstrated to have a positive impact on patients, staff and the health system itself. 

HTSA's Role

In August 2022, The Australian Teletrial Program- South Australia (formerly the SA/NT Regional Clinical Trial Coordinating Centre) and the Office for Research in the Department for Health and Wellbeing in partnership with Health Translation SA collaborated to roll out what was then known as V-CTEC for everyone involved in Clinical Trials across South Australia.
In 2023, the V-CTEC scheme was rolled out nationally and has been renamed to A-CTEC.
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