October 18, 2022

Women's Health Research Translation & Impact Network Launches in SA

On August 31st, a sold out SAHMRI auditorium sat together with one shared goal; to create change for the women of South Australia.

Developed as part of a national initiative led by AHRA, Health Translation SA officially launched the South Australian chapter of the Women’s Health Research Translation Network after a successful debut event.

Special guest speaker, MP Louise Miller-Frost said that the work of the network would be vital in making an impact for women across the state. 

‘This is a really great opportunity for us to take steps forward in terms of women’s experience of health, women’s issues health.. but also women as professionals and researchers’ said Ms Miller-Frost. 

The packed program featured presentations from a diverse range of speakers including academics, clinicians & politicians, and also contained perspectives from various cultural backgrounds and career journeys.

Attendees listened to topics such as current challenges and barriersstrategies to bring academics and clinicians together, and key ingredients to driving successful research translation.

The formal portion of the evening concluded with a panel discussion focused on the network’s future, with invited guests sharing insightful commentary on what needs to change to increase success for women’s researchers.  

Health translation SA’s CEO, Wendy Keech, closed the event with a motivating look forward, and shared the nine priority areas that will inform the network’s focus. 

‘We’re here to support each other, to work forward and to make change’ said Ms Keech. 

‘These things don’t happen if we don’t invest in people to make them happen.’ 

Wendy Keech

To learn more about SA WHRTN, download the flyerjoin the mailing list, or view the launch event presentations.

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