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Registry of Senior Australians

Project Stats
  • 27
    Quality indicators developed: 12 Residential Aged Care Setting, 15 Home Care Setting
  • 3.5M
    Historical cohort of the Registry of Senior Australians (2002-2020)
  • 53.3K
    Prospective cohort of the Registry of Senior Australians (2018-2022)

About Project

The Registry of Senior Australians (ROSA) monitors the health, service utilisation, medication use, social welfare, mortality, and other outcomes of people receiving aged care services in Australia. ROSA's multisectoral integrated data platform uses existing information from diverse datasets collected by different organisations throughout the country to understand how to best care for our ageing population.

ROSA Website

The Challenge

Globally, our population is ageing and the health and social impacts of caring for a growing number of older people is a significant issue. Long recognised and emerging challenges complicate the provision of high quality, person-centred long-term care for older people living in the community and in residential aged care settings.

ROSA addresses these challenges by providing a national ‘big data’ resource and research strategy to pioneer the population-level evaluation of quality of care, models of care and national health priority areas that affect older people.

The Impact

ROSA produces high-quality evidence used to drive improvements in the aged and health care sectors, addresses shortcomings in care for older Australians, and transforms policy and practice to deliver better care and outcomes.

To date, ROSA has contributed to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety investigations (2018-21), subsequent national sectoral reforms and individual aged care provider quality improvement efforts in South Australia.

HTSA's Role

Health Translation SA provides strategic advice on research translation, facilitates networking opportunities, supports consumer engagement activities, and contributes to the success of the ROSA project through collaboration and resources.

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