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SA Acute Care Learning Health System Project

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About Project

Led by Professor Derek Chew, Flinders University this project aims to develop and use a “State-wide Learning Health System for Rapid Deployment, Evaluation and Translation of New Models of Care in SA to Reduce Pressure on Emergency Departments (ED) and Acute Care”.

The project adopts a whole-of-state approach enabled by the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Health (CEIH), Health Translation SA (HTSA) and the newly established ‘SA Acute Care Consortium’, comprising consumers, clinical and executive leaders across SA Health, the Primary Health Networks, and researchers from SA Universities and the SA Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI).

The researchers will develop, validate, and implement three exemplar projects aimed at addressing specific areas:

  1. Improving pre-hospital care for individuals with chest pain (upstream workflow)
  2. Reducing unwarranted clinical variations in care (inpatient care)
  3. Facilitating the transition to community care for the frail and elderly (downstream workflow). 

These efforts will be reinforced by enhancing an existing state-wide digital health platform, allowing for ongoing development, implementation, evaluation, and translation of innovative interventions that target emergency department congestion.

This project is funded by the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) as part of the MRFF – 2022 Models of Care to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Acute Care Grant Opportunity.

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The Challenge

Emergency room congestion is a significant and pressing problem for hospitals and the community. When emergency departments are flooded with a high patient volume, patients experience extended wait times and compromised care.

Addressing this challenge demands significant investments in healthcare infrastructure, staffing, and resources to expand capacity and enhance patient flow. Effective solutions, such as streamlining patient flow and coordinating with primary care, require collaboration among healthcare organisations, policymakers, and stakeholders.

The Impact

By addressing emergency room congestion, the South Australian healthcare system can enhance patient outcomes, optimise resource utilisation, and maintain the integrity of emergency care services. 

This program of work will lead to more efficient and effective clinical practice. It will also leave legacy data infrastructure to enable better informed health system redesign and policy reform and improve the flow and care of patients across the care continuum into the future.

HTSA's Role

HTSA acts as an independent catalyst and broker to bring people together to address this state-wide challenge.

Specifically, HTSA played a pivotal role in ensuring clinicians, researchers, consumers, and Local Health Networks were involved in the co-design of this project and will continue to facilitate state-wide engagement and sharing of learnings through the SA Acute Care Consortium. HTSA also continues to provide strategic direction and governance co-ordination support.

Investigator Team

Prof Derek Chew

(CIA), Flinders University

Kristina Lambrakis

Flinders University

Prof Danny Liew

The University of Adelaide

Prof Andrew Bersten

Flinders University

Prof Maria Crotty

Flinders University

Prof Maria Inacio


Dr Gerry O'Callaghan

The University of Adelaide

A/Prof Daniel Haustead

The University of Adelaide

Prof Jane Andrews

Central Adelaide Local Health Network

Prof Paul Worley

Flinders University

Dr John Maddison

Northern Adelaide Local Health Network

Prof Robert Padbury

Southern Adelaide Local Health Network

Dr Santosh Verghese

Digital Health SA

Wendy Keech

Health Translation SA

Dr Michael Cusack

SA Health

David Morris

SA Health

Dr Ecushla Linedale

Health Translation SA

Michelle McKay

Adelaide PHN

Joseph Schar

Ambulance Service SA

Kim Morey


Lana Earle-Bandaralage

Community Representative

Jyotsna Janardan

SA Health

Prof Jon Karnon

Flinders University

Project Enquiries

Ecushla Linedale
Health Translation SA
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