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CCI in Research

Consumer and Community Involvement (CCI) in research.

Your voice matters! Research teams who partner with consumers and community members deliver research that addresses community needs. When those with lived experience of the health system provide their perspective and ideas, research discoveries have a higher likelihood of being adopted into improved care for the community.

Why get involved in research?

As a member of the community, someone with experience of the health care system, or someone who lives with a health condition, you have meaningful lived-experience and perspectives which can add enormous value to research projects. Your input and collaboration with research teams, could lead to new research ideas and projects, which have the potential to improve lives. 

Many community members find the experience of partnering on research projects extremely rewarding. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you will: 

  • Contribute a real-world understanding that complements the academic and professional expertise 
  • Enhance the relevance and applicability of research outcomes to the needs of the community and diverse populations
  • Influence research direction and priorities by aligning the research to community needs and values

What does partnering on a research project look like?

Every research project, approach and team are different. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all model when it comes to partnering on research projects. However, some ways you may work with a research team include: 

  • Joining Advisory Panels or Committees to provide input and feedback from a community perspective
  • Collaborating as co-designers in the research project ie setting the research direction and prioritising research projects
  • Designing a clinical trial that ensures optimal uptake by community members
  • Co-presenting research findings at a conference or public event
  • Reviewing grants and publications, crafting messages to appeal to a non-scientific audience

Join the Community Interest Register!

If you are a South Australian resident who has an interest in being involved in health and medical research and working towards better health outcomes for the community, we would be delighted to have you involved!

The Community Interest Register allows researchers from our partner organisations to share opportunities with community members who wish to contribute to research projects. Working together means research: 

  • Reflects issues that are important to our community
  • Can more easily be translated into clinical practice, policy and education

After joining the register, you will receive opportunities to partner on research projects over email. When you see an opportunity of interest, you simply express your interest directly to the research team and they will be in touch.


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