July 3, 2024

Reflecting on the evolution and impact of the Centre for Health in All Policies Research Translation

In 2021, the Centre for Health in All Policies Research Translation (the Centre) was launched. Three years on and the Centre continues to work towards increasing research-policy translation in ways that deliver improved public policy, and lead to better health, wellbeing and equity outcomes.

Led by Associate Professor Carmel Williams, the Centre is a Health Translation SA (HTSA) “Affiliated Centre”, jointly based within HTSA and the School of Public Health Adelaide University. Wendy Keech, Executive Director, HTSA said that the Centre has gone from strength to strength over the past few years.

Fundamental to the Centre’s vision is the idea of healthy public policy, which the World Health Organisation characterises as “an explicit concern for health and equity in all areas of policy and by an accountability for health impact.”

With this at front of mind, the Centre was established to work with policy makers and academics, at a national and international level, to strengthen research translation across public policy fields with a key focus on the determinants of health, wellbeing and equity.

Associate Professor Williams says these partnerships and the collaboration they require, ground the Centre’s approach - ‘we work across sectors and disciplines to build true and trusting partnerships.’

She also explains that there are 4 key priorities that drive the Centre: ‘generating evidence, translating evidence, capacity building and awareness raising’.

The Centre’s 2023 Annual Report describes the breadth of impactful work the Centre has achieved over the past year and the efforts made to progress the Centre’s priorities.

Of note, the Centre has continued to facilitate its Maximising Impact from Research – Policy Partnership Masterclass - an interactive short course that aims to build the capacity and skills of researchers, academics and policy actors to bridge the gap between policy relevant research and impact. The Masterclass is reflective of the Centre’s plan to build capacity for research-policy collaboration and action with the research and policy making communities.

Another highlight of the Centre’s work thus far is the recent establishment of the research-policy-practice translation Community of Practice (CoP). The CoP brings together researchers, policy actors and practitioners from diverse disciplines in a new network, where they will explore and progress best practice in research translation knowledge. The first official CoP was held in November 2023 and now meets regularly. It marks an exciting step forward in the Centre’s evolution.

Agenda setting is also a key element of the Centre’s work whereby it promotes emerging social and health issues onto the policy and research agenda. This includes raising awareness among decision-makers of determinants of health including Trees and Green Space and Density and Housing.

On an international front, the Centre’s work with the World Health Organisation has been a highlight for Associate Professor Williams. In particular, the launch of the new Health in All Policies Model and Guidance which aims to support countries to implement and sustain good governance to deliver improved health, equity and wellbeing.

When looking to the future of the Centre, Associate Professor Williams says, ‘we need to keep asking how we can change systems so that translation of evidence into policy is fostered and enhanced to reduce the health equity gap.’

To learn more about the Centre, visit the HTSA website, follow them on LinkedIn or email: Carmel.Williams@healthtranslationsa.org.au.

Photo: Launch of the New Health in All Policies 4 Pillars Model in Tampere, Finland

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