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March / April 2022

Research Impact


In 2022, HTSA presented a series of four webinars and shared resources to raise awareness and understanding of Research Impact; what it is, how to measure it and strategies for effective dissemination.

Webinar Series

Health Translation SA is proud to present this series of four webinars exploring various aspects of Research Impact.

Monday 21 Mar, 2022 12pm - 1pm
 Research Impact: An Introduction
Click here to view webinar
  • Dr Ecushla Linedale

  • Dr Tamika Heiden

    Research Impact Academy
Monday 28 Mar, 2022 12pm - 1pm
 Evaluating Impact; developing an impact framework
Click here to view webinar
  • Dr Tobias Schoep

  • Ms Tara McLaren

    Grow Impact
  • Dr Anne-Maree Dowd

Monday 04 Apr, 2022 12pm - 1pm
 Assessing Impact; insights about the NHMRC Health Research Impact Committee
Click here to view webinar
  • Prof Julian Grant

    NHMRC Health Research Impact Committee
Friday 08 Apr, 2022 12pm - 1pm
 Impactful Projects; Announcement of HTSA Research Impact Awards and project snapshots
Click here to view webinar
  • Ms Wendy Keech

  • Prof Maria Makrides

    Impact Award Winner
  • Prof Susan Hillier

    Impact Award Runner Up

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